We have our most anticipated interview yet with our upcoming headline Illy Noize! Illy caught our ear last year when we heard one of his spectacular mixes and rather than wait for someone to bring him over to the UK, The Minotaur Sound team decided to take matters into our own hooves, set up Minotaur Sound and bring him over to the UK for his debut. Have a listen to Illy's Minotaur Sound teaser mix here and read on to find out more about him:
Minotaur Sound: "So Illy, tell us who are your biggest influences and why?"
Illy Noize |
Illy: "Hey guys, thank you for having this interview with me. My musical influences reach from raw funk and soul to rock and experimental electronic music. I am very open minded when it comes to music and I enjoy it everywhere I can. But when I should name some all-time heroes of mine, it comes down to Marvin Gaye, Michael Jackson, Donna Summer and all these great artists under the Mo-Town Label roster. I like that live feeling in a record. When you hear the little mistakes in the recording that makes it special. I always try to recap this feeling when I work in the studio. Also for DJ sets I think it's important. I don't like surgical sets. It has to be vibrant and swinging. Yes I think this is the influence for me in music"
Minotaur Sound: "Amazing! And this influence really does show strong in your music. How about you tell us a lesser known fact about yourself?"
Illy: "Haha! A fun fact about me...whenever I go on tour to DJ in another City I always forget my toothbrush. So every time I come to a new City, I have to buy a new one. I have quite a good collection of toothbrushes from a lot of City's I've been at."
Minotaur Sound: "We'll have your toothbrush at the ready when you come to Bristol then! So tell us about the first time when you started to DJ - how did you get introduced to it?"
Joyfriend Record Label |
Illy: "I started to DJ in 1999 as a hobby. Started to collect vinyl and practicing at home. Can't say exactly why but I always was into music. Didn't know much about DJ live at this stage but was fascinated by the technique and the way it was done. The turntables and the feel of the records and of course going to the record store was a bit thing for me back in the days. Today I try to buy as much Vinyl as possible but have stopped playing Vinyl at clubs which is a bit sad. I always was into this soulful house and techno music. Not much of a minimal or dark techno guy. I like happy music so to say, always melodic. Then after one year of training I sent some demos to clubs around my hometown. In 2005 I became resident in a club in Leipzig and in 2009 in the Charles Bronson Club in Halle made by Monkey Safari. I started producing music slightly late. In 2013 I released my first records. Until 2015 I released on 7 labels and started to run my own Label Joyfriend with some friends in Halle.
Minotaur Sound: "Illy we are so honoured to have you headline at our upcoming Launch and so very excited to hear what you will play for your UK fans. See you on the 20th Feb!"