So, following Launch Night delights and smiles and as we continue finding glitter in our clothes, our dancing shoes and inside our horns. We asked one Minotaur Sound happy customer, Mr Ben Meek, to provide us with a review of the immersive side of night. Here is what he had to tell us...
"...I entered the lair like a thief, sticking to the shadows, exercising the barest minimum of movement lest I be caught and dragged to the cells to await the legendary beast. I was excited but something seemed off, I was on The Island, but I had not imagined the fabled labyrinth to be in Bristol city centre.

The Island, Bristol transforms into a Labyrinth
Maybe it was my mind at fault, I’m struggling to remember how I even ended up here, my memory is hazy, the colours seem brighter here too. People flitted around me, obviously part of some kind of cult, worshiping The Minotaur. Already they appeared giddy with anticipation. They sweated and sparkled in the sparse lighting, whilst all around a tribal rhythm pulsed and pounded fuelling their, no doubt depraved, desires.

The Minotaur says hello to DJ Kieran Holden
Undaunted, I pressed on through gangs of nymphs and satyrs. I felt flushed and elated, just the thrill of the chase I guessed. I entered a cavernous room where the music was loudest, one of The Minotaur’s acolytes pressed a glowing rod into my hand, looking down I was shocked to discover that my clothes had been torn from my upper body and I was covered in a sparkling powder, glistening under the flashing multi-coloured lights. I needed air.

A Minotaur Sound Nymph
Panic growing I fled out into a corridor when I heard a spectral voice beckoning me onwards. I crept forward, following the call until, too late! “I need a virgin” I heard called, “who will be our virgin?” My blood froze, this could only mean one thing. Sacrifice. Before I knew it I was in front of the chamber, a small cell bedecked with shining curtains and filled with the most deranged of the beast’s followers. Before I could cry out I felt a push from behind and I fell, stumbling into the arms of the howling crowd.

Into the Cell of Fables with Micro-Rave
How long I was in that chamber, I cannot tell. I cannot recount with clarity what happened to me in that room. I only know that I left my old self behind when I finally emerged, a drooling convert. Ready to do the minotaur’s bidding without hesitation. I danced wildly, I drank with abandon, I became one with the maddening drums, I offered myself up to the wanton lusts of that crowd and I regret nothing, for I finally understood. The Minotaur was no monster, nor indeed a physical being at all. It was us, we were the beast. The Minotaur was in us all along."

Illy Noize captivates his Minotaur Sound fans